Give yourself time to discover exactly how to best handle any situation. Take a good look at your current approach. You may find alternative ways to avoid overtaxing yourself. Use common sense and allow outside help to assist you in reaching your goal.
Your inner world underlies everything you try to accomplish. It’s your foundation. When you believe and honor yourself, respect your inner power and integrity, you lay the groundwork that all your plans and aspirations. Become the catalyst of your intentions. Value yourself and allow only positive and life-affirming energy to flow through you. Build your self esteem upon a complete acceptance of who you are, expressing the inner beauty and balance of the universe that you reflect.
The same longing to find fulfillment and relevance that connects you to the external world connects you to your own heart. There are many ways to get your ideas and intents across. Sometimes the right words or phrases will suffice. Other times, your example and way you handle yourself goes much further. Find the value first in yourself. You cannot help but enabling your vision to manifest once that is accomplished. While opening your world up to other people involves compromise and adjustment, your independent and free-wheeling spirit recoils at the prospect of becoming lost in any exchange. By making authentic connections that allow you to genuinely convey your experiences, you can make those compromises pave the way to a more meaningful life for you.
Aries 13 | Passionate portrayal of inner experience. Evolving ideas and plans. |
Aries 14 | Strong sense of self. Powerful opinions and convictions. |
Aries 15 | Literary ability. Communication of deep feelings and urges. |
Aries 16 | Convincing and poised. Caring. |
Aries 17 | Inspiration. Takes responsibilites seriously. Self confident. |
Aries 18 | Struggles to gain mastery and control. Expert. Experienced. |
- Ingenious, agile and versatile
- To verbalize a purpose. To look ahead
- Develop understanding by clarifying situations. Strategic directions
- Listen and acknowledge instincts. Curious
- The giving of voice to personal ambition
- To be careful about what you do. To think of the consequences
- Learning to pay attention to the things that will enable progress
You have a real passion for ideas and understanding the world around you. Your mind is quick, nimble and you are known for your good humor and wit. That, combined with your eager attitude about life, explains why you're willing to take risks, follow your hunches and jump into any situation that you perceive as having potential. You are highly motivated to explain new ideas and approaches to life, capture them in words or some other media that serves you, and play the role as the expert who has just changed the rules of the game.
You are enormously social and pride yourself in being recognized as unusually intelligent. You seldom are at a loss for words, and being the life of the party appeals to you. Your sense of humor is very sharp but sometimes a bit too biting for some people. The drama and tribulations of life fascinate you and you can be a good storyteller when the inspiration strikes you. Persistence is not one of your stronger qualities. You can become bored and disillusioned quite easily, and without finding some deeper purpose, can end up going after one exciting prospect after another, until you become sick of chasing your own tail.
Language and worlds hold great weight for you. You can often excel in debating, especially when there is an element of the chase in the argument. You play to win, which can also make you a very aggressive deal maker. You mind is quick to see both sides of any arrangement, and you have the makings of a good lawyer or judge, provided you keep your own bias out of the picture. When given the freedom, you can combine your fluid mind with your inspiration nature, which results in all sorts of creative output.
Taking a definite stand on any issue can be tough for you. You would rather keep moving than have to dig in and defend a particular position. You can be argumentative and are sometimes guilty feeling intellectual superior, but you redeem yourself by adding spark and excitement to the conversation, challenging people to do their best, and being the inspiration behind more pragmatic and down-to-earth types. Your emotional side is often less developed than your mental side, which can result in some naive or immature attitudes. Your independence can cause you to feel isolated. You often show courage when you promote your ideas, many of which were formed in response your having to go it alone.
In love and relationships you are passionate and exciting, but may lack the staying power that many people look for. You tend to be restless, and need the freedom to follow your own path, which will require plenty of understanding on the part of your mate. You burn very brightly, but are not especially consistent. Developing patience and respect for other people can be tough for you, but very personally fulfilling when developed. Children require lots of patience and sacrifice, and ironically often teach you these skills. You can energize them with your enthusiasm, but need to let them make their own mistakes.
Aries 19 thru 24 - Cancer sub-period
Aries 19 | Promotional skills. Projects aggressive image. Challenge to find balance. |
Aries 20 | Fascination with power. Fearless. Single-minded. |
Aries 21 | High minded and expansive. Travels. Seeks stimulating experiences. |
Aries 22 | Public image. Embodies common values. Successful ambitions. |
Aries 23 | Seeks truth and questions authority. Alternative inclinations. |
Aries 24 | Impressionable. Private. Compassionate. Avoids entanglements. |
- Impressionable and sensitive
- Recognition of attachments and loyalties
- Acknowledgement of emotions and intuition
- Awareness of limitations and needs; Development of peronal intuition
- Committing to bonds; Severing attachments to addictions
- To believe in and honor yourself
You have an uncanny sense of where the argument or negotiation is going well before anyone else. You feel the pulse of the moment, and can size up people and situations with your powerful intuition. You're romantic, occasionally poetic and lyrical, sometimes aggressive and always true to your roots. Your early experiences left a strong impression on you, and you are very tuned into the power of personality and personal presence when you attempt to accomplish anything. You lookout for number one, and will fight to defend your position. This is especially true if it's a matter of having the freedom to do what you want, regardless of what other people may think. This endears to you some and outrages others, but you feel you have a right to feel whatever you want and will defend that freedom, when challenged. You are suspicious of big organizations and powerful people that can make your life miserable. You are very emotionally sensitive, and cannot tolerate any constraints to your free-spirited life style.
You think for yourself and know how to take care of yourself. You can be moody, insistent, reflective, and overflowing with enthusiasm. You keep your eyes on the powerful personalities around you, regarding yourself as one. You have leadership qualities, which if you can learn how to tame in your wild emotions, can put you into influential positions. You like being in the front, taking orders from no one, plotting out the course for other people.
Your home life is important, which is where you feel most at ease. That's why taking an aggressive position in your career is likely. You see your career as a way to finance what really matters to you, which is your personal life. Your spouse needs to let you be boss when the mood strikes you, and look past those strong opinions. In return, you are affectionate, a very good provider, and will show your caring and nurturing side generously and often.
The thing that makes you unique is that you are willing to take your chances with life and follow your own bliss. You feel deeply about what you do and bring courage and inspiration into anything you get involved with. But you must be able to do it your way. You're not the least bit reasonable or logical about this. It's the product of your not wanting to miss out on life or let other people make your decisions for you. You protect your own interests and take pride in your own freedom. This impresses many people who admire you for it and encourages them to follow your lead.